Monday, January 30, 2012

Catching Up!

The last few days, as mentioned in my previous post, have been a liiiittle busy, so I decided to catch up tonight in a "shooting spree." Here are the results!

Day 5: Lunch

Since I didn't get to photograph my lunch that day (or any day since then, for that matter), I thought I'd use someone else's skills to sum up what I consider to be a pretty typical lunch...

I mean, sometimes I eat things OTHER than cookies (okay, almost all times), but who better to express the complex feelings of glee that accompany lunchtime than our beloved blue friend? So that's that. On to the photos I took!

Day 6: Light

Although this example may have been more appropriate for a previous calling for a photograph incorporating reflection, reflection is indeed related to the focus of light. My sister shined our silver baby cups our Aunt Debbie sent us, and it was fascinating to me that they are so reflective. I love the little haloes of light they give off, especially Krista's which has a rim that curves outward.

Day 7: Inside Your Fridge

Much like the Force, my fridge has taken on a light side and a dark side. More impressive though, and enviable even by Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru's standards, is the milk section. Although we don't carry anything blue and suspiciously pulpy looking, we have everything from regular old skim (back right) to lactose free (back left), soy milk, and almond milk. 

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